We Are God by Jordan Mund

We Are God is a sort of deathbed confessional of a man who lived to see the beginning of the Eternal Era. The Old Man narrating the story has lived for hundreds of years and has been both a witness to and a participant in a great deal of controversy. The controversy surrounds scientific advancements that render death obsolete for some. Although the Old Man grew up among mortals, his obligations to the Overman Project, which gave him immortality, cannot be shunned. As a result, his loyalties are divided. His friends, fighting for the dwindling rights of mortals, prove themselves to be proponents of a revolution against the powerful Overman Project and its political goals.

“Immortality is a bore and a curse… but death doesn’t seem entirely pleasant, either.”  In a life filled with loathsome diseases and other infirmities that cut far too many lives short, it is difficult to imagine immortality as a curse. But perspectives shift when you consider outliving all of your friends, and for the Old Man, this results in constant struggles with his choices and his ethics. Jordan Mund demonstrates an excellent grasp on the narrative with readers slowly coming around to the Old Man’s point of view and, in the end, understanding his life-altering decisions. We Are God is an fascinating dystopian tale that will really make you think deeply and live life more fully.
