Where Liberty Lies by Nathaniel M Wrey

Packed with vibrant characters, clashes of culture, and enough warmth to stir the soul.

When their homeland was destroyed, almost everything was taken from them. But the love and fierce sense of justice that Finbarl and Aminatra share have kept them alive thus far. True, their makeshift family has expanded in surprising ways, but their goal hasn’t wavered. They’re trudging through inhospitable weather and across rugged terrain in pursuit of a rumored oasis, Mandelaton. The very name elicits an aura of mystery and tickles the imagination. More than anything else, though, Mandelaton represents hope. So Finbarl, Aminatra, and young Karlmon put their lives on the line in anticipation of the safety and security that rests in a city far, far away. But their path to salvation is unsure and many obstacles stand in their way. Dangers abound when traveling through uncharted territories where wild Ferrals are still on the prowl. The biggest threat, however, stems from what should be a wellspring of humanity. Their own civilization has been lost, but what Finbarl and Aminatra discover about the wider world will test their resolve. Will they be able to afford the high cost of their own freedom?

A worthy sequel, Where Liberty Lies is a meaningful novel that pushes personal boundaries, tests relationships, and speculates about the consequences of people allowing choices to be made for them. Graphic and grim only as much as it needs to be, this intelligent story is thought-provoking, engrossing, and surprisingly upbeat. Brimming with optimism in the face of every adversity, the characters are humorous and heartwarming in their conversations and interactions. A subtle hero and highlight of this novel, Aminatra is a steady presence and endless ray of light, stealing the scene at every opportunity as her radiating calm prevails over chaos. The author paints vivid pictures with his highly descriptive prose, bringing into focus the intense desperation, shock, gratitude, longing, and fear that the cast is feeling. It’s so easy to lose yourself in the fantastical world Wrey has crafted, only to realize that this is no fantasy world! This is our world, our successors, our future, or at least a dramatic dystopian version of it. Small nods to lost bits of history, such as a reference to Mark Twain, remind us that we share the same roots as these battle-scarred individuals. Packed with vibrant characters, clashes of culture, and enough warmth to stir the soul, Where Liberty Lies packages sharp societal commentary in a way that feels fearless, fresh, and so much fun!
