Whisper by Kay Ross

In a world where magic is limited to a select few and foreign languages are tightly controlled, centrally-located Entia is unique among the kingdoms. This tropical land is home to a powerful group of sorcerers who act as the last line of defense against dangers from outside kingdoms, challenges from within Entia, and the threat feared more than all others, curses born of their own magic. Shocking news of the king’s death spreads throughout Entia like wildfire, stirring up uncertainty and compounding fears. Even the queen is scared, which allows the lead sorcerer to force his self-serving agenda. Hoping to assert his own dominance in this time of uncertainty, a less powerful sorcerer utters a spell that results in a curse. The curse achieves the impossible and becomes self-aware. As the sentient curse spends time in the minds of several different people, it experiences life for the first time, makes some friends, comes to know grief, and learns about the complexities of relationships. Departing from its intended purpose, the curse, Whisper, resolves to stop death altogether, no matter the cost. But as it matures, Whisper realizes its chosen objective is more complicated than it seems.

Chaos and confusion give way to understanding and purpose in Kay Ross’s agile fantasy novel, Whisper. This nascent curse is given a crash course on trust when it seems so many people are out to deceive, manipulate, and backstab. Yet there are selfless people, too, people like Ethene who would go to any length to protect her loved ones. Whisper uses that knowledge to make the hardest decision and tackle some ethical dilemmas. Darker themes of greed, power, and death never overshadow Whisper’s guileless nature or the value of altruism, self-sacrifice, kindness, understanding, and teamwork. Sentience isn’t easy for this curse, and its early mistakes and errors help endear it to readers. If you want to experience a story like you’re side by side with the characters, you’ll appreciate how the events are told from Whisper’s extremely intimate first-person point-of-view. However, outside of active conversations and guarded memories, this perspective makes it a challenge to appreciate the full scope of the fantastical world. Likewise, the plot rarely strays from Whisper’s noble goal and its ongoing internal struggles, making for conflict that lacks dimension but resonates with those who appreciate the challenge of making sacrifices for the greater good. Such focus creates a brisk pace, with events unfolding in a relatively short timeframe. Get ready for a magical journey experienced through the eyes of magic itself in Whisper, a morally rich story filled with funny first moments and redemptive second chances.
