You Are Enough: Learning to Love Yourself the Way God Loves You by Jonathan Puddle

A therapeutic devotional that can truly help you.

Science and religion are often believed to be at odds with one another. However, Jonathan Puddle expertly fuses psychology with Christianity in a therapeutic devotional that can truly help you to understand yourself better and heal emotional scars that you may not even know exist. Broken into thirty chapters, one for each day, this powerful book flows in a natural and logical manner. Each daily session begins with scriptural encouragement and personal experiences from the author’s life, and ends with guided meditation that incorporates reflection, affirmation and visualization.

A most remarkable aspect of You Are Enough is the overwhelmingly supportive and gentle manner that the author deals with us, the readers. Puddle’s knowledge, passion, and genuine love for people are evident both in the words he uses and the overall tone of the book. The references to scriptural accounts, while generally brief, are vividly described, making it easy to imagine the scenes being depicted, perhaps in a way that you never have before. An expert wordsmith, Puddle shares his own struggles with refreshing honesty, and he employs complicated psychological processes in a knowledgeable but highly approachable way. Yet, throughout the meditation sessions, the focus remains firmly centered on Christ and on God’s love for you. Despite the fact that as a book reviewer I read through this book quicker than I should have in order to benefit fully from it, I found myself repeatedly pausing to reflect on the effect it was having on my own personal view of myself. You Are Enough can lead you to a place where you will get to know yourself better, to know Christ better, and to integrate these awarenesses to assist you in developing a rich and balanced love for yourself.
