End Man by Alex Austin

A glossy and original technothriller. Sometimes it feels like we’re all prisoners, confined or restricted by our situation or our limitations. It could be illness, grief, ignorance, or perhaps something more tangible. For Raphael Lennon, his prison is a one-mile stretch of neighborhood in Los Angeles. Within the threatening border of four boundary streets, Raphael […]

Depths of Deceit by Laura Oles

A story you’ll pick up for the vibrant scenery and keep reading for the gripping drama. Port Alene is a lovely little seaside town on the gulf side of Texas. The locals are friendly, happy to share their coastal paradise with sun-seeking tourists that flock there in droves to escape northern winters and gray skies.

UNITAS by Lee S. Hannon

A nimble work of time-travel fiction that brims with complexity and drama The City is under attack, but the aggressors in this malicious battle originate from elements within. The Supreme has been locked away, awaiting trial for the crimes she committed against unwilling humans. However, her unrestrained and influential supporters remain passionate about android dominance.

Kick Ball Slay by Doug Dorsey

Rumors, suspicions and fierce dance steps coalesce in the shadow of imminent danger. Competitive Dance. The very notion may conjure images of glittering reality television contestants performing their hearts out to an enthusiastic audience and a few piquant judges set in place to either crush dreams or make them come true. Kick Ball Slay features

The Resentment by T. O. Paine

An edgy and resolute thriller. Lauren Kaine literally feels her happiness slip through her fingers when she can’t save her husband from plummeting off a bridge into a raging river. As his hand slips from hers, her wedding band slides off her finger, a metaphor for her fading peace and serenity. Losing her husband is

Mammoth Drop: Murder, Mammoths, and Mimosas by R. J. Corgan

An adventure of Jurassic-level proportions that promises a rollicking good time. From majestic glaciers to searing volcanoes, Dr. Kea Wright has traveled the world on the strength of her expertise in geology. After a prolonged time without any meaningful communication between them, Kea’s longtime friend and mentor, Harry, beckons her to visit his newest acquisition,

Domestic Deceit by H.C. Johnson

K.J. Corchoran is an assiduous journalist, viewing his field as a critical counterbalance to government overreach and corruption. Although public opinion for the media has soured, K.J. throws himself into his work, even to the detriment of his homelife. His instinct to follow a lead, no matter how tenuous, leads him to a divorce proceeding

Ash and Gold by Lydia R. Outland

An unstoppable and absorbing force of nature. Is 24 too young for a mid-life crisis? If so, something else is seriously going wrong in the otherwise tidy mind of Briar Rose “Buggy” Pierce. Crippling nightmares stalk her in her sleep. Terrifying hallucinations leave her afraid to trust anything while she’s awake. Her drinking is getting

Trouble by Nellie Steele

A rare interval of peace at the Buckley estate is about to come to an abrupt end. Hoping to minimize the distress to her family, Celine has been harboring a secret, a veiled threat issued by the reliably treacherous Duke Marcus Northcott. Unsure of where to turn, Celine confides in her cousin and best friend,

One Little Word by Audra McElyea

Psychological intrigue reaches a grand crescendo. Madeleine Barton is an independent journalist working on the story of a lifetime. A local author has been murdered and the police are taking a hands-off approach, hesitant to label the death as anything other than an unfortunate accident. Convinced of a more nefarious explanation, Madeleine resolves to get

The Long Nights by Tom Mock

Delightfully strange and intoxicatingly dangerous. “To understand a problem, often one must pay particular attention to the unusual.” The unusual is well within the purview of Specialist Joe Kellerman. With gifts ranging from supernatural private investigating to avant-garde artistic abilities, Joe can handle just about anything that comes his way, including bloodied bodies, severed heads