For the Intended: Journal One by Haven Berg

How is a seven-year-old girl to survive when she finds herself alone in the woods with no idea of who or where she is? With little in the way of survival skills, she won’t last long on her own. Since she has no place to hide, the young child is vulnerable to attacks from menacing monsters that prowl the treacherous forest. And foraging for food is no easy task for a little girl, but the loneliness gnaws away at her composure almost as much as the physical hunger. That is, until she stumbles upon a boy her age, indulging in the fruit of a blueberry bush. Together, they forge a friendship that will carry them into a magical world beyond their wildest dreams. For the boy, Blue, special gifts cause him as much trouble as they do opportunity. The girl, Galayne, turns out to be The Summer Born, a Princess destined to rule Edgeladine. What’s more, she is meant to fulfill the cryptic Aedine Prophecy. But how can Galayne rule the land, fulfill a prophecy, or even act as a proper princess when she has no memory of her early life?

Get ready for an adventure, because For the Intended: Journal One will tickle your curiosity and quench your thirst for excitement. Filled with rousing scenes of action and mystique, Haven Berg piques readers’ interest with enigmatic questions about Galayne’s past and future. The world Galayne and Blue live in is one of charismatic talking animals, fearsome flying beasts and magical relics, all adding to the intrigue of the progressing story. Despite such a fantastical setting, the characters develop genuine relationships, but none more so than that between Galayne and her closest caretaker, Arnet. As a substitute for a father, confidant and teacher, Arnet is ever supportive, but always seems to hold something back. Galayne’s sometimes flawed and often emotional reactions to his firm guidance prove to be as realistic as that of any teenage girl. For the Intended: Journal One succeeds in totally entertaining audiences and capturing the imagination.
