REACH: Maximize Your Potential and Live Your Best Life by Nate Thurgood

A respectful and solicitous guidebook that offers something for everyone.

Are you a content person, or do you constantly find yourself dissatisfied with what you have and who you are? Do you have purpose in your life or are you endlessly searching for something? Have you considered that maximizing your own potential, working to become the best version of yourself, can be a purposeful course in itself? REACH: Maximize Your Potential and Live Your Best Life is a potent self-help book that strives to tap into every aspect of life and provide a healthy foundation for personal growth. The title, REACH, is rich with meaning and relevance, evocative of the familiar act of physically stretching toward something or extending ourselves in pursuit of a goal or destination. All of this helps paint a vivid word picture of the methods and objectives set forth in this handy guide.

REACH is built around Five Focus Areas that “enable you to drive your life, rather than being pulled along on a path you never intended to take.” While these five topics cover key facets of life, such as Finances and Relationships, Thurgood delves into each area in a meaningful and practical way, offering simple guidance on how to develop and improve each aspect. A valuable feature of REACH is learning to curate a Core Vision, a specific goal or set of goals with a clear path to action and success.

You can’t take it with you when you go. Therefore, Nate Thurgood offers straightforward advice on how to take advantage of our time and circumstances while they last. The journey requires effort and is not a solo endeavor. Call in your family, friends and like-minded individuals, and get ready to be motivated by some of the most common-sense advice available today. Packed with anecdotes, person experiences, and a genuinely unselfish baseline, REACH is a respectful and solicitous guidebook that offers something for everyone.
