Nicky Flowers

The High Seer by Alex Bree

A modern literary legend. Aurienne Azarrah is a great leader, though she was not appointed by any human. At birth, a calamitous prophecy sealed Aurienne’s fate, or at least, put her on an agonizing path. This selfless young woman was gifted with the power of the Goddess and became High Seer more than a decade […]

Leading with Purpose by Jonathan H. Westover

Longtime managers will be grateful for the help in orienting themselves in today’s workplace and newly minted leaders will find relief in the trustworthy advice. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is a good leader. If you find yourself in a position of oversight, want to be a force for positive change, and

Blood of Fire by Myrielle Glassman

Velvety-smooth storytelling and an entrancing magical world. Bloodborn by birth and duty-bound by choice, Meara swore her oath to the Order at the tender age of thirteen. The commission to protect the mortal realm became Meara’s life and passion, though many years of bloodshed have taken a toll. Lately, King Iain’s demands have become increasingly

Red Queen: Skies of Freedom by R.F. Reynolds

A history-bending tale that intelligently blends action, suspense, ingenuity, and clever banter. Rhett might be young, but his observant nature, unrelenting curiosity, and constantly churning mind keep inexperience from getting in his way. And it’s a good thing because Rhett is suddenly propelled from second mate of the airship Red Queen to completely out of

Astrid Beeswax: The Sting by Tessa Jensen

Some experts will tell you that the key to achieving your goals begins with creating a five-year plan. For Astrid Beeswax, the blueprint for her goal has been more than a decade in the making, ever since the fateful day when Harold Braggart dropped a lit match in a tent filled with fireworks. The ensuing

Nothing Short of Odd by Loredano Cafaro

An unconventional collection that serves as fuel to imagination’s fire. When a story is evocative, the words elicit strong emotions and vivid images. Every one of the sixteen stories in Nothing Short of Odd has that powerful effect. A casual collection of short and flash fiction by Loredano Cafaro, the stories each possess a different

The Way of Water by Toni Cabell

Bursting with imagination and rich in character growth. From water diviner in her small farming village to queen consort, married to the man who once kidnapped her, Solace hasn’t had a moment to take a breath between the life-altering changes she’s experienced. As consuming as these transitions have been, Solace has come to love Rhees,

Mommy Feels BIG THINGS by Danielle L. Forbes

Essential for soothing frayed nerves and calming restless hearts A celebration is in order. A new baby has just arrived and everyone is so excited! But as the confetti settles, reality sets in, and the reality of welcoming a new family member is enormous. While so much seems different at home, all the usual things

Sometimes Grandma Calls Me Jean by Jill Pietroburgo

A moving story about dementia that is as practical as it is endearing. Watching a friend or family member suffer from dementia is heartbreaking, resulting in some of the most emotionally challenging situations we face. This can be especially difficult for children, as they struggle to understand the unanticipated changes they see in their loved

Jud by Michael Breen

A staggering story whose creativity is unsurpassed. Dagny and her younger sister, Grete, are hardly children anymore. Catastrophe tore their family apart years ago and Dagny only recently recovered that crucial family connection. But things happened to both girls while they were separated and, in a bid to protect her sister, Grete has disappeared again.

FiNDing Hope by Jocelyn Bystrom

Compelling, insightful, inspiring, and educational. Have you heard of Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)? Maybe, maybe not. But certainly not because sufferers are few in number or unconcerned about their health. Rather, this devastating disorder is often mistaken for another illness, masked by other health problems, or underdiagnosed by practitioners unfamiliar with FND. Jocelyn Bystrom had

Sea of Souls by N. C. Scrimgeour

A darkly decadent gem about a girl learning how to mend a shattered reality. Selkie. The name alone sparks enough fear to cause anyone to want to flee from the coast. Yet, these terrifying shapeshifters aren’t what caused Isla Blackwood to trade a comfortable life in Silveckan for the open ocean some seven years earlier.

Departure by Tippi Bruce

It is the end of the world and it seems that Joy didn’t get a heads-up. Without any idea of what is happening to the country and nobody to turn to for answers, she finds herself in a precarious position. Hundreds of people are being herded onto trains destined for an undisclosed location and Joy

The River Against the Sea by Z. Lindsey

Get ready for some high-seas capers introducing a scoundrelly cast you’ll love like family. They say the devil is in the details, but for Essimore Darkenchyl, the details are in the devil. Those details equal endless rules, regulations, protocols, and procedures overseen by the Blessed Agency, and Essie is their newest fully licensed bureaucrat. Proud