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- List of Beta Reading ServicesA list of professional beta readers, along with their prices.
- List of Editors and ProofreadersA list of over 50 editors that will work with independent authors, along with their prices.
- List of Writer’s Conferences, Book Fairs and FestivalsA complete list of over 250 writer’s conferences, conventions, workshops, book fairs and book festivals, sortable by date and location.
- List of Book Awards ContestsA comprehensive list of over 50 book awards contests available to self-published authors, including fees and deadlines.
- List of Indie Book ReviewersOur directory of over 300 book reviewers is always kept up to date and is sorted by posting frequency so you can focus on the most active reviewers.
- 2024 Indies Today Awards Contest ResultsSee the results of the 2024 Indies Today awards contest, including our Best Book of the Year award, Best in Genre awards, Finalists, and more.
- List of Book Promotion SitesA list of over 75 of the top websites where you can promote your KDP Select Free Days or Kindle Countdown Deals, along with prices.
- List of Independent Book PublishersA complete list of over 200 independent book publishing companies.
- Get an Indies Today Editorial ReviewIndies Today’s editorial reviews can be shared on Amazon and are useful in effectively marketing your book.
- Indies Today Book Awards ContestThe Indies Today Awards recognize and honor the top independent and self-published books of the year.
- Author Website DesignHaving an author website has never been so easy or affordable. Let Indies Today design and maintain a site for you.