Captain Sedition: The Death of the Age of Reason by K.C. Fusaro

Packed with intriguing characters and a riveting plot

Have you ever been away from home for a while, just to return and find that things have changed? For Joethan Wolfe, after more than a decade away from home he finds that it is virtually unrecognizable, if America can even be considered his home. On a personal journey to help his long estranged father, Wolfe heads overseas to Boston, hoping to resolve some long standing issues. Unable to avoid the growing unrest, he lands in the center of a heated conflict, despite his aversion to politics and his ambivalence for either side. As Wolfe navigates a tense political landscape, he must be cautious about which side of the line in the sand he walks on. His desire to get his father out of trouble motivates him, propelling him throughout New England and around every side of the war.

A brilliant work of historical fiction, K.C. Fusaro masterfully integrates a captivating tale with the tragic realities of war in Captain Sedition. Enhanced by the rich 18th century vernacular and prevailing ideologies of the day, Fusaro’s work feels like an authentic glimpse into the lives of our ancestors. While Wolfe is the main figure, Ben Franklin’s character early on really steals the show and adds a touch of heart. Extrapolation of known ideas about Franklin, such as his frugal nature and his vegetarian lifestyle, add much to the first few chapters of this vivid story. If you’re not a history expert, surely the timeframe in this book will stir a few memories from school textbooks, but with so much more life and vibrancy than you ever knew! Packed with intriguing characters and a riveting plot, Captain Sedition: The Death of the Age of Reason is a well-rounded and honest piece of war fiction.


Congratulations to

Captain Sedition by K.C. Fusaro

winner of the

2021 Indies Today Best Historical Book Award
