Clap If You Can Hear Me by Kelly Mitchell

Clap If You Can Hear Me: The Secret Attention Deficits of Education That Prevent Generational Wealth & Prosperity In America is a manual that helps to assist youth to have a balanced view of education and to parse the relevant from the useless. Quite the wordsmith, Kelly Mitchell is on par with some of the most eloquent speakers, writers and thinkers of our time. One big focus in the book is on teaching useful life-skills and practical lessons, like how to cook a meal or prepare an effective resume. We’re at a time in history where we know technological advancement will have a cost, but as of yet, nobody knows exactly what the charge is going to be. This down-to-earth guide is a valuable resource to arm young adults for whatever battles may come.

You may think you’ve read a book like this before, but this fresh take on the education system is filled with surprises! The book is like a road trip that you expected to last a few days, but many scenic and interesting detours later, and you’re halfway across the country. The chapters build upon a  solid foundation of research. Mitchell is clever and pithy, and this comes through as each argument is delivered. Carefully placed charts and deliberate photographs really drive home the point that our education system is in trouble. And although some of the most important points struggle to stand out in a book filled with impassioned pleas and justified indignations, the common sense approach to education is a must read for parents and young adults. Thought-provoking and challenging, this hearty book provides needed insights in an overloaded ‘screenager culture’.
