Denali is a 17 year old girl dealing with typical high-school drama, being raised by a modern single mom. She has been hiding something huge from almost everyone: She is telekinetic. But one can only hide super powers for so long… an accident and a snap decision change Denali’s life overnight. She is whisked away to a special school of sorts (think the X-Mansion) to hone her skills. It’s like a dream summer camp for 17 year-olds, with minimal supervision but maximum control. She trains for missions, falls in love, and helps figure out her own origin story.
From the first chapter it was clear that this book was going to cost me hours of sleep. I Could. Not. Put. It. Down. Caitlin Sinead has written an extremely well thought out story with an endearing protagonist. I could relate to the humorous and brutally honest way in which Denali observed herself and those around her. Although I’ve yet to develop telekinesis, I’m sure that when I do I will feel just like Denali! This book is packed with action, love triangles, twists, and a heart-pounding conclusion. Please do yourself a favor and download this book now… you won’t be disappointed!