Eternal Shadow by Trevor B. Williams

Imagine looking up into the night sky but instead of seeing innocent stars twinkling like diamonds, there is a ravenous alien space ship poised to consume the Earth itself. Eternal Shadow is set in the here and now including some real life political figures and organizations to add realism. Dr. Jennifer Epstein is the senior research scientist at SETI when an unknown communication reaches Earth. Her team works around the clock to decipher the meaning of the puzzling message. What Jennifer uncovers leaves humanity scrambling to overcome the biggest challenge the planet has ever seen. Time is not on their side so resources must be pooled to come up with any viable option to prevent total annihilation.

Eternal Shadow feels like an honest look at the way humans deal with catastrophe. Politics interfere with progress, business interferes with good intentions and religious fanaticism interferes with common sense. The book is divided into sections that each speak to a different phase of the impending tragedy. The end of the book is markedly more action-packed and exciting than the beginning. However, the lengthy scientific details lay the foundation for a dynamic and plausible conclusion.

Trevor Williams adds a clever and contemporary take with this First Contact tale. Eternal Shadow is a slow burn that builds to an explosive conclusion in this stimulating sci-fi masterpiece.
