Holy Parrot by Angel A

Buritaca, Columbia, is home to one of the few recognized blue zones in the world. It is here that Leo Lumière, an undergrad science student, works to figure out just what it is that contributes to the longevity of the locals. But rather than uncovering some protected regional herb or a soil sample that promises health and long life, Leo discovers Maria Angelica Santos. Maria is unremarkable in her own right, a sixteen-year-old Catholic girl growing up in a small seaside town known for little more than fresh fish and plump coffee beans. But when a wild parrot comes to Maria proclaiming a modern-day immaculate conception, she slowly becomes a symbol of hope. People travel from near and far to catch a glimpse of or to bestow a gift upon this soon-to-be mother of the new Christ. And it isn’t just Christian believers who are inspired by Maria’s seemingly divine pregnancy. Devotees, congregants, acolytes and worshipers of many religions are moved by Maria’s joyful tidings. But not everyone is convinced, and there are elements bent on her demise. Despite his own misgivings, Leo stands by her side through it all. Leo’s involvement shifts from cautious observer to staunch defender, and even his scientific research can’t account for his epiphanic shift in perspective. Whether the pregnancy is of divine origin or is an elaborate ruse, small-town Maria never imagined herself becoming the spark of fervor that sets the world ablaze.

If you’re looking for a novel featuring a fantastically unique premise, a lush, tropical landscape, and a glimmer of mystery, then look no further than Holy Parrot. An interesting intersection of religion and secularism, faith and science, Holy Parrot doesn’t tread carefully, so much as pleasantly on a road that is often rutted with fanatical disagreements. It might seem that Maria and her divinely inspired bird ought to occupy center stage in this thought-provoking story, but the author assigns the job of narration to rational Leo. Delivered from his first-person perspective, the divinity of Maria’s claims is explored from Leo’s scientific vantage, adding balance and a sense of stability to the novel. Marginal character development prevents readers from fully connecting on a deep level, however, the intriguing plot is more than enough to keep one’s attention. True, audiences may not be moved by the spirit, but Maria’s light-hearted story will certainly have readers reevaluating their humble place in the grand scheme of things after experiencing the phenomenon that is Holy Parrot.
