Humans: Volume 1: The Mark by Alexandra L. Yates

A gripping sci-fi adventure.

Welcome to Kantas City! Kantas is the seat of government in the Red World in the year 2125. Ecological wars ravaged the earth 100 years ago, with pockets of humanity finding salvation only by hiding out underground. A group of eight exceptional young people, all gifted with a curious Mark, has been training together with the goal of becoming the future leaders of the Red World government. Before these Elites are ready to run the show, they have one last test to complete their training. The adventure takes them outside the safety of their domed city to visit places long forgotten in their history books.

Having lived a sheltered and rigidly structured life, it comes as no surprise that the Eight go a little wild when the leave the city walls. Their journey reveals some unpleasant truths about their current leadership. The Eight come into contact with rebels, dangerous human eating animals, overlooked survivors, and even new friends. While the dialogue suffers from childishness at times, the adventure as the Eight discover the world for the first time with their own eyes is priceless. The plot deepens dramatically just as the Elite return home leaving many intriguing questions. What exactly is the Mark? And will the Eight side with the rebels?

Humans Volume 1 is a gripping sci-fi adventure that will leave you hungering for the next installment.
