300 Insightful Quotes by James W Hughes

Have you ever heard a quote so good, you have to share it with someone else? A few words poignant enough to lodge themselves forever into your subconscious? Something so clever it deserves to be its own meme? We probably all have a storehouse of sayings we’ve heard over the years that are too good to forget, and James W Hughes shares many such expressions in the book 300 Insightful Quotes. Some of the quotes are statements of fact, sentiments we’ve heard our whole lives. “No one ever said the journey would be easy.” Many are wisecracks, delivering a punchline underscored by a bit of truth. “The most giving people in the world are those who get a tax write-off.” Still others offer grounded counsel that can be useful in a world that engenders selfishness. True, a few of the ideas might seem conjectural to discerning readers and not necessarily insightful as promised, but the overall tone is lighthearted and upbeat, leaving audiences clamoring to turn the page to see what other keen observations might be shared.

Whether sex or aging, money lending or personal goals, breakups or honest self-evaluation, this collection of comments, quips, and opinions will keep you engaged. With poor grammar and punctuation misconstruing the meaning of some otherwise pithy quotes, however, this compilation is not without flaws. Additionally, the layout lacks obvious design or divisions, so the expressions run one into the next without themes, breaks, or anything else to differentiate or distinguish them. Still, the author’s clear talent for human observation and pronounced sense of humor prove to be an unusually compelling combination. Some ideas are mildly challenging and require a bit of contemplation to fully absorb. Others are more direct, delivering an immediate impact, making the whole collection all too easy to devour in a single sitting. By the end of the book, you’ll feel like you’ve gained a few new catchphrases and a perceptive new friend in James W Hughes. Embrace the unusual and enjoy reflecting on different aspects of the human experience with 300 Insightful Quotes, and remember, “If most of us had magical powers half of us would be dead.” 
