The Truth About Stepmoms by Renee Bolla

A pleasant way to foster positive conversations that conquer frightening thoughts.

Everyone knows that stepmoms are scary, terrible, selfish creatures who love to ruin as much as they can, right? And now, the worst thing in the world has happened to one precocious little girl. Her dad went out and made Via into one! Things were great before, when Via was a good friend and a perfect partner for play. Whether dancing or playing salon, Via was always so much fun. But now she’s a dreaded stepmom and everything is going to be different. Dad says nothing has changed, but his sharp-as-a-tack daughter knows better. Stepmoms have a reputation for their strict no-fun policies, their distaste for ice cream, and the way they purposely use all the hot water so kids only get cold showers. So when Dad leaves the house, the observant young girl must remain alert to avoid any tricky stepmom tactics and traps. But instead of getting locked in the attic or fed an evil potion, she discovers that her stepmom is the same great person she always was. Sharing the day together reminds the girl that Via is still a kind, fun, and loving person, one she is now excited to welcome into the family as her very own stepmom.

Quirky and sweet, The Truth About Stepmoms is a delightful way to reassure young hearts about a transition that can be scary. Renee Bolla engages early readers with lively prose and an imaginative story that features lovable characters in a situation many can relate to. Touching on a few worst-case scenarios with whimsy helps address these fears without minimizing the feelings of our most vulnerable family members. The text is thoughtfully integrated into dynamically illustrated pages that are not only joyful and vibrant, but that bring the characters to life, making the book one that children will ask for again and again. In addition to comforting scenes that take place all over a home that feels instantly familiar, a few images make repeated appearances throughout the story. Whether it’s the adorable kitty mirroring the feelings of the anxious daughter or the well-loved plush blanket that is almost always within reach, consistent elements can be found from beginning to end, allowing kids to feel at ease and enjoy spotting them. A pleasant way to foster positive conversations that conquer frightening thoughts, The Truth About Stepmoms is a gentle story certain to nurture, soothe, and calm.
