Postcards From Beyond Reality by Bernard Jan

Original and compelling. Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels by Bernard Jan is a clever collection of postcard-sized snippets of thought and reverie wrought from the mind of fictional skateboarding teen, Michael Daniels. The thematic elements weave through topics ranging from grief, loss, and heartbreak to beauty, peace, and wistfulness. As […]

Swatting at Butterflies by S.A. Fanning

An emotional rollercoaster that will have you shouting and crying the whole way, but loving the stormy ride. “I’d known it was going to be awful when Mom died, but I never imagined things could slide to these depths.” Chloe Vanderbrooke has more on her plate than most sixteen-year-olds could ever imagine. Besides watching her

Dawn of Deoridium by Jeff Ting

A literary diamond begging for you to unearth it. When you live in an area called the Arctic Fist, it comes as no surprise that nothing in life comes easily. Showered by periodic solar storms, subject to lethal radiation, forced to subsist on meager and unvaried rations, and driven to take up a subterranean lifestyle,

Mammoth Drop: Murder, Mammoths, and Mimosas by R. J. Corgan

An adventure of Jurassic-level proportions that promises a rollicking good time. From majestic glaciers to searing volcanoes, Dr. Kea Wright has traveled the world on the strength of her expertise in geology. After a prolonged time without any meaningful communication between them, Kea’s longtime friend and mentor, Harry, beckons her to visit his newest acquisition,

The Lightness of Water by Toni Cabell

An exquisitely refined fantasy adventure. Though Solace may have an admirer in her home country, this motivated young woman’s hopes and dreams lay somewhere beyond the simple farming community where she lives. In an unexpected development, Solace’s aspirations are dashed by something far more distasteful than an engagement to a local boy. Rhees is a

Fits Her to a T by Alice Xavanéro

One of the most poignant and finely crafted pieces of LGBTQ fiction of our time. Told through a series of intimate journal entries, Fits Her to a T is a story about the awakening of a new woman, Zoë van Vixenhoven. Born in Lebanon to conservative and passionate parents, Maher never quite felt comfortable in

Lady Spy by Toni Cabell

Airy, fun and brimming with magic. Ever since the barbaric King Roi directed an invasion on Valerra, Mage Mara and likeminded companions have taken their loyalty underground. A toyshop clerk by day, Mara spends her nights putting herself in harm’s way in the name of devotion to the crown. Working as a spy, Mara does

Ash and Gold by Lydia R. Outland

An unstoppable and absorbing force of nature. Is 24 too young for a mid-life crisis? If so, something else is seriously going wrong in the otherwise tidy mind of Briar Rose “Buggy” Pierce. Crippling nightmares stalk her in her sleep. Terrifying hallucinations leave her afraid to trust anything while she’s awake. Her drinking is getting

PULL by Jaime Winn

An intriguing young adult story that holds nothing but possibilities. For Mischa Kenning-Elliott, almost everything is a serious matter. Her health? She’s got Lupus, so it’s no joke. Schoolwork? She’s a smart girl, focused on getting into her first choice university. Her love life? Well, not everything can be serious. She’s had boyfriends along the

Captive Hearts by Kelly Miller

A sensitive and emotional iteration of a Jane Austen classic. The timeless story of Captain Frederick Wentworth and the unpretentious Miss Anne Elliot is resurrected in Kelly Miller’s brilliant and surprising retelling of Jane Austen’s Persuasion. After just a glimpse of a deep love that was cast aside, the story picks up some years later