The Out Crowd by Michael A. Kirby

As in life, the popular kids are far outnumbered by the not so popular kids in The Out Crowd. Ready for a stellar senior year, Hallie takes the reigns of the cheerleading squad with all her usual gusto. With the big Homecoming Game kicking off the start of the school year, Hallie finds some unexpected […]

BULB by Bradley Wind

Imagine a world where everything that happens in life can be reviewed later. And not just big events like births and weddings… Everything! In Bulb, science has made Informed Light possible, thus your morning commute, your afternoon coffee and your post workout shower are all recorded. And anybody can review footage of anything in the

Betera’s Factor by T.J. Sachs

Utopia. It’s difficult to imagine a life free from care. In this debut novel from T.J. Sachs, we get an intimate glimpse of perfection. And then quickly the veneer peels off to reveal sinister layer after layer. Crawford Lear is in a powerful position within the Beta Union habitat. After tragedy strikes, a bubbling rebellion

A Thousand Mothers by Brenda Marie Webb

A Thousand Mothers fictionalizes the horrors that befell thousands of women in the early 1940’s at Ravensbruck, the infamous female concentration camp. Helene Dvorak is one such prisoner who manages against all odds to survive the imprisonment and torture. She is also integral in the preservation of a child born into this impossible environment. Eventually