Book marketing can be a difficult world for indie authors, especially first-time authors, to navigate. There are so many books out there that you have to work hard to make sure yours stands out. Winning book awards and getting positive editorial and customer reviews can be a tremendous help, but to some extent, these are out of an author’s control. One time-tested method for marketing books is offering a sale and using promotion services to advertise the discounted book. Even with this successful strategy, there are so many promotion services available that it can be hard to recognize which ones are worth the cost.
While BookBub is often hailed as the king of book promotion services, and for good reason since they have the largest subscriber list by far, most self-published authors have found that this book promotion giant repeatedly rejects titles that don’t yet have enough positive reviews. Alternatively, some book promotion companies can help you reach a smaller but dedicated reader base. Authors have mentioned to us that they have found some notable success with Bargain Booksy, Freebooksy, The Fussy Librarian, and My Book Cave. You can find links to these and many more book promotion services, along with a grade-style rating of each one, at Let’s take a closer look at one of these services that authors may find particularly beneficial.

My Book Cave Promotion Service
With a reader base in the hundreds of thousands and a reasonable fee, My Book Cave is considered by many authors to be an excellent value for the money. My Book Cave promotes books at a variety of price points, but as with most services, authors are likely to see the best results when their books are priced either free or $0.99. To submit your book to My Book Cave, you will need to create an account and enter your book’s information. Once your book is in their system, it is easy to submit it for their email newsletter right away or at any point in the future when you want to promote that title. Click the button below to learn more or to submit your book to My Book Cave.