Neither King Nor Country by Alan N. Kay

Neither King Nor Country is an exciting fictional take on true American history. Rob Callahan has just lost his mother to an unexpected heart attack. While going through her estate Rob stumbles upon Nana’s special box. Although the contents are primarily family mementos, one item stands out as unique. Rob and his hockey-buddy Lindsey realize that they have a letter penned by Benjamin Franklin’s traitorous son. The letter could have implications more far reaching than shedding light on Rob’s murky family history.

It is abundantly clear that author Alan N. Kay is passionate about history. The book includes a helpful map and a bibliography to help readers separate true history from fiction. The true history aspects of the novel are enlightening and entertaining, even to those who aren’t as intrigued with history. And the fiction aspect is unexpectedly exciting. There are detailed hockey games, suspenseful stalkers, even a close brush with death. All this goes on while Rob deals with the separation from his wife and the fallout with his sons. He grapples with his volatile emotions (lust, anger, betrayal, pride, patriotism) in an authentic way that readers will relate to.

Alan N. Kay’s novel is a history lover’s dream come true. With nail-biting suspense and an emotionally fulfilling conclusion, Neither King Nor Country will leave you speechless!
