Piercing the Celestial Ocean by Kip Koelsch

An awe inspiring journey through space and time.

When a wormhole spits out an unexpected object, Captain Ekels just happens to be in the right place at the right time. Sure, he’s been shunned by the scientific community and his ship is not performing any glorious mission, but the discovery of a stasis pod with a living alien entity is enough to buy some goodwill and earn back some respect. Uncovering the identity of the mysterious being is an adventure that will take intrepid readers on an awe inspiring journey through space and time.

The story is divided into three different parts, all eventually coalescing into one beautiful finished product. My favorite plot line revolves around Grand Master G’lea and her assistant Master T’reau. G’lea has solved the mysterious happening known as Heavenly Visitations. Through science, G’lea discerns the true nature of the captivating sky-ripples that periodically decorate the oceanic sky surrounding M’aremundi. T’reau is forced to flee with just the clothes on his back and an armful of research. Marooned on an uninhabited island a la Castaway, T’reau continues his quest for the truth, unhindered by the isolation.

In an oft used trope, Kip Koelsch pits antiquated religious doctrine against ambitious scientific ideas. The rivalry may be as old as time, but nothing else about Piercing the Celestial Ocean is ordinary. The scenery is gorgeous, no doubt a reflection of the author’s love for the natural world. The editing is top notch, and the pacing of the story is perfect, gracefully changing within each smaller sub-story. Piercing the Celestial Ocean is a unique and fascinating novel that is waiting to delight anyone who has ever dared to imagine what might lie beyond what we can see.
