Indies Today offers the #1 list for Indie Book Reviewers because reviewers are regularly verified for activity and our list is sorted by their posting frequency so that you can focus on the most active reviewers.
Independent and self-published authors know how important Amazon reviews are to the success of their books. One of the easiest ways to get reviews is by contacting book review bloggers and asking them to read your book and post a review. In addition to their website, many will also post their review of your book on Amazon, Goodreads, social media, etc. The directory below contains over 300 reviewers that accept submissions from indie authors. For more information about how to get positive results when contacting book reviewers, check out our article on best practices when requesting a book review.
Our list is updated weekly and is ranked at least once annually. Reviewers were last ranked in JANUARY 2025.
In addition to the reviewers on our list, there are a handful of services that charge a fee to provide your book to their readers for reviews. These include:,,, Edelweiss,,, and
If you review books and would like to be added to the list, click here
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If you think we should remove or change a reviewer’s listing, please contact us