Seacity Rising by Elika Ansari

An imaginative frog named Babak lives in an average pond called Seacity. Although he is a bookworm, Babak fancies himself an adventurer. Soon enough, a real adventure finds Babak when he discovers an ominous message on a puzzling scroll. He and some friends embark on a journey above the safety and familiarity of the water to try to find answers. He encounters many different animals on his way to meet the Old Woman Beyond the Sea. The book is filled with many life-lessons for avid young readers.

Elika Ansari has penned a lovely tale for middle grade readers. The chapters are interspersed with delightful illustrations capturing the emotions of the animals Babak encounters along his way. The book deals with important themes including bullying, forgiveness, individuality and inclusivity, environmental issues, and even developing critical thinking and problem solving skills. They have a run-in with a hungry goose that proves satisfying in it’s resolution late in the book. This book is a great teaching opportunity for young minds with a penchant for adventure. Seacity Rising is a delightful read with a modern take on relevant topics. The imagery is vivid and rich and will leave your heart full and content.
