Youths and adults alike enjoy reading young adult books. In years past, books like The Hunger Games, Divergent and The Maze Runner drew a countless number of new readers to the teen genre, and many of them continue to read YA books. In addition to having a main character that is in their teens, young adult books generally include themes of interest to younger people, such as concerns about school, bullying, friendship, romance and identity. Writing, revising and then rewriting a young adult book takes time, and getting the book edited, proofread, formatted, and the cover designed also takes time or money. For an author, however, what may be considered the hardest part comes after that: Marketing. While there are many options available for marketing, the success of your book is largely dependent upon having plenty of positive book reviews, as these are heavily relied upon by customers to determine the quality of your book. Thus, you no doubt wonder “How do I get book reviews? And who are the best reviewers for young adult books?”
Book reviews come in various forms. A few examples of the review options available are Amazon customer reviews, Goodreads reviews, book blogger posts and editorial reviews, and sometimes these options overlap. For instance, many book bloggers, in addition to posting their reviews on their blog, will post their reviews on platforms such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads or Librarything. Similarly, while most editorial reviewers only post their reviews on their websites, Amazon and other retailers allow authors to prominently share editorial reviews of their books.
Whether your book is coming of age, dystopian, fantasy, nonfiction, LGBTQ, contemporary fiction, historical fiction, or any other young adult genre, you’ll need to discover the best YA book reviewers to submit your book to. At Indies Today, we have taken the time to consider hundreds of book reviewers to identify the top book reviewers for teen books. Listed below are the current top reviewers for young adult books, and in addition to these reviewers, make sure that you search for “teen” in our complete list of indie book reviewers to find dozens of other great options for getting your book reviewed.

- Stuck in a Story is a book review blog that is operated by three avid readers, Samantha, Rebecca and Hannah. Each of their specific interest vary, but their blog focuses exclusively on books with a target audience of Young Adult or younger. Reviews are posted very regularly on their site, and in addition to their blog, book reviews are also posted to Amazon and Goodreads.
- Jess Reviews is a UK blogger that reviews Young Adult, primarily in the genres of Dystopian, Apocalyptic and Paranormal / Magic, although other teen genres will be considered too. Books are also rated on a 1-star to 5-star scale, with nearly all books reviewed on the site receiving 3 stars or above. Reviews are posted on the site and also on Amazon UK and Goodreads.
- B.B. Morgan is an author and reader that reviews Young Adult Fantasy books, and besides on the blog, reviews are also posted on both Amazon and Goodreads. In addition to the reviewer’s opinion of the book, a 1 to 5 ranking is provided.
- Okay, listing ourselves may seem like a bit of self-promotion, but it’s true that our reviewers love reading indie authors and many of them also love reading young adult and teen books. Besides that, we offer by far the lowest price in the industry for an editorial review and book award contest entry. Our editorial reviews include quotable phrases that you can add to Amazon or other retailers to influence potential customers.
- Queen of Books reads mostly Young Adult and Juvenile books, and posts a monthly recap of all of the books, movies and shows that were considered that month. These recaps include an image of the book’s cover along with a brief review/opinion of the book.
- Jodie’s Book Reviews is a blog that focuses on Young Adult and New Adult Romance, although other genres may also be considered. Reviews are centered around the characters and plot of the book, and besides being posted on the blog and social media are also posted on both Amazon and Goodreads.