The Romantic Ideal by Gregory V. Diehl

A self-evaluation and bold exploration that pairs scientific analysis with personal intuition. When Doc Brown met Clara Clayton in Back to the Future, he never expected love at first sight. Why not? “It’s romantic nonsense. There’s no scientific rationale for it.” But that man of science quickly realized that Clara could bring out the best

Heart of a Soul Comforter by Kayla Muth

Thought-provoking, lyrical, and enjoyable. Heart of a Soul Comforter is a short collection of poems that speaks to the trials and tribulations we all face while trying to find our bearing in this turbulent world. Themes range from anxiety and depression to friendship and fun, all topics that resonate with a wide audience. Readers will

300 Insightful Quotes by James W Hughes

Have you ever heard a quote so good, you have to share it with someone else? A few words poignant enough to lodge themselves forever into your subconscious? Something so clever it deserves to be its own meme? We probably all have a storehouse of sayings we’ve heard over the years that are too good

FiNDing Hope by Jocelyn Bystrom

Compelling, insightful, inspiring, and educational. Have you heard of Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)? Maybe, maybe not. But certainly not because sufferers are few in number or unconcerned about their health. Rather, this devastating disorder is often mistaken for another illness, masked by other health problems, or underdiagnosed by practitioners unfamiliar with FND. Jocelyn Bystrom had

Christianity 2.0 by John Dorsey

Christianity 2.0 is a new take on Christianity with some innovative approaches to spirituality. The result is a religion that attempts to remove perceived flaws from traditional Christian beliefs and replace them with love and positivity. As a basis for the arguments in Dorsey’s book, the powerful research of Dr. David Hawkins is repeatedly and

The Betrayal by Doug Dorsey

Times have changed and reality looks much different in Doug Dorsey’s post-cataclysmic, anti-religious world. The planet is now governed by a single ruler, the Sovereign Alexander Wraith. His power is seemingly limitless, as all the world’s leaders have pledged loyalty to his rule in exchange for refuge in the last remaining habitable continents. The entire