Nicky Flowers

BIG THINGS by Danielle L. Forbes

Love, joy and happiness radiate from the pages. There is almost nothing more exciting for a family than the birth of a child. And it’s no surprise that being a mother, particularly to a brand new baby, can be even more overwhelming than a full-time job. But this job doesn’t stop just because mom has […]

Asherwick by Sarah Westill

A delectable fantasy-romance set in a disturbingly altered future. It’s not a matter of will they or won’t they, but rather, when will they come together to put aside past hurts and bruised egos and finally tackle the dangers that are both pushing them together and threatening to tear them apart. Sylphine is like a

The Future Leader by Jonathan H. Westover

An intelligent and fast-moving collection of hard-won and thoughtful advice. What kind of person are you? Do you thrive under compassionate leadership, or do you find that people often look to you for direction? If the latter is true in your case, improving your leadership skills in a rapidly changing environment is not only beneficial,

Postcards From Beyond Reality by Bernard Jan

Original and compelling. Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels by Bernard Jan is a clever collection of postcard-sized snippets of thought and reverie wrought from the mind of fictional skateboarding teen, Michael Daniels. The thematic elements weave through topics ranging from grief, loss, and heartbreak to beauty, peace, and wistfulness. As

Ash and Gold by Lydia R. Outland

An unstoppable and absorbing force of nature. Is 24 too young for a mid-life crisis? If so, something else is seriously going wrong in the otherwise tidy mind of Briar Rose “Buggy” Pierce. Crippling nightmares stalk her in her sleep. Terrifying hallucinations leave her afraid to trust anything while she’s awake. Her drinking is getting

PULL by Jaime Winn

An intriguing young adult story that holds nothing but possibilities. For Mischa Kenning-Elliott, almost everything is a serious matter. Her health? She’s got Lupus, so it’s no joke. Schoolwork? She’s a smart girl, focused on getting into her first choice university. Her love life? Well, not everything can be serious. She’s had boyfriends along the

12 Grand Waltzes by Grant Dersom

A delightful and rewarding pursuit for pianists everywhere. 12 Grand Waltzes is a diverse collection of piano music suitable for intermediate to advanced musicians, although even beginners will enjoy the evocative melodies and lilting tempos. Available in paperback or in a highly visible and easily usable digital format, Dersom’s original music is a delightful and

Hard Kill by Bill Eckel

Technology and invention now allow a human to shift their consciousness into an android frame. Genetic engineering has made mankind into a form much better that past generations enjoyed. The solutions to problems that once plagued the populace, like aging and death, can be bought for the right price. Unfortunately, greed and the thirst for

Foretold by Violet Lumani

A novel you’ll devour in a single sitting. When you’re a sixteen-year-old girl with major, life-altering OCD, you tend to get really good at steering clear of challenging situations. For Cassandra Morai, traveling through an intersection or meeting a new neighbor ranks fairly high on the list of difficult problems. A discerning friend with a

The Goldilocks Quartet by Leia Barrett

Sure to pluck at the heartstrings of musically inclined young readers. An endearing, lyrical rendition of a classic children’s story, The Goldilocks Quartet is a beautiful book that is sure to pluck at the heartstrings of musically inclined young readers. Goldilocks can’t help but admire the entrancing music pouring from a house she often walks