R.C. Gibson

Before & After You & Me by Dallas Woodburn

Sometimes sweet, sometimes heartbreaking, but always engaging and impossible to set aside. The decision to leave Southern California is almost a no-brainer for Emma Mason. An exclusive scholarship to a boarding school meant to hone her painting skills is all the motivation Emma needs to trade the comforts of her sheltered high school, her magnetic […]

300 Insightful Quotes by James W Hughes

Have you ever heard a quote so good, you have to share it with someone else? A few words poignant enough to lodge themselves forever into your subconscious? Something so clever it deserves to be its own meme? We probably all have a storehouse of sayings we’ve heard over the years that are too good

Belonging Matters by Julie Ryan McGue

An intelligent memoir that will challenge stigmas, shift viewpoints, open eyes, and start the conversations that matter most. Adoption in the United States is not an uncommon arrangement and, whether we realize it or not, some of our friends, coworkers, and neighbors are adoptees. Still, knowing someone who has been adopted and knowing how it

Frank’s Shadow by Doug McIntyre

A brilliant character study and an example of thunderous storytelling. Even heroes eventually succumb to old age and infirmity, but that inevitability doesn’t make it easy to watch. Frank Sinatra’s decline had been widely publicized, and though his passing isn’t a total shock to the public, the loss is still an immense blow. For 40-year-old

Inspiring Work Anniversaries by Rick Joi

The ideas are easy to apply within almost any business or industry.  Whether you manage a small team or an entire corporation, you’ve probably commemorated a work anniversary. What are these celebrations typically like? For most employees, the event consists of little more than a grocery store greeting card, a box of stale donuts to

The Errors of Mankind by Curt A. Canfield

When studying the modern history of our world, it is impossible to exclude war from the curriculum. Stemming from religious and political divisions to run-of-the-mill selfishness, war has been a driving force behind almost every land and nation. Military veteran Will knows this firsthand. A Marine who served in Vietnam, Will struggles to accept the

Christianity 2.0 by John Dorsey

Christianity 2.0 is a new take on Christianity with some innovative approaches to spirituality. The result is a religion that attempts to remove perceived flaws from traditional Christian beliefs and replace them with love and positivity. As a basis for the arguments in Dorsey’s book, the powerful research of Dr. David Hawkins is repeatedly and

Boy Wander by Jobert E. Abueva

A story not just about surviving under the weight of expectations, but about embracing ourselves. Everyone longs to be understood and wants to find their voice, but these things don’t always come easily. That’s especially true for Jobert E. Abueva in his unguarded memoir, Boy Wander. From Manila in the very early 1970s to Michigan

Nuns with Shotguns by P. H. Mountain

Nuns with Shotguns is a humorous memoir set in the early nineties, at a time when Paul Mountain is determined to finish his novel and nothing is going to stop him. Well, a few things might get in the way. A dalliance here, a bender there. Plus the daily grind in Eldora, Colorado, which is

The MENtal Fight Of Your Life by Freddie Floyd Jr

Those working toward a healthy marriage will appreciate the grounded advice. Can you remember the happiest day of your life? Maybe it was a milestone of age, education, or health. Perhaps a perfect vacation or closing on your first home. What about your wedding day? Certainly a happy event, but has marriage been the wedded

SkyRacers by Matt Watters

A turbocharged adventure fueled by sibling rivalry, angsty athletes, and unadulterated adrenaline. “This is the first time siblings have flown against each other in a SkyRace GP. We will witness history. Two sisters, two pilots in excellent form, flying against each other, representing the top teams on points. What more could we ask for?” What

Echo From A Bayou by J. Luke Bennecke

Convolutions, complexities, and an abundance of action-packed scenes. Approaching middle age with an overwhelming sense of disappointment and a penchant for quality bourbon is never what John Bastian envisioned for himself. A happy family filled with love and children would have been nice, but a difficult divorce and some career catastrophes are all he has

On to Plan C by Jeremiah A. Gilbert

Remember when most of the planet was shut down? When we weren’t allowed to travel, a prohibition that was triggered by a microscopic virus? People spent hours lamenting canceled plans, rescheduling flights and hotels, re-rescheduling those arrangements, and then, with nothing left to do but wait for COVID to release its arresting hold, forcing our

All That Was Rejected by David Colin

At seventeen, Adamo Di Cristo has reached a nominal milestone, high-school graduation. But with abandonment by his mother in the name of her faith, this Massachusetts native will have to get creative in order to survive. Subsistence on meager rations and an unethically paltry salary quickly become the norm, so Adamo enrolls in the military

The Art of Capturing Phantoms: Definitive Edition by Karen A. Parker

Engaging, exciting and filled with seemingly impossible complexities. Extraordinary imagination is on exhibition in Karen A. Parker’s The Art of Capturing Phantoms: Definitive Edition. The author gathers wisps of ideas, fragments of thought, and creative writing prompts and turns these into a quirky digest of dodgy characters, bizarre situations, and action that moves at the