Steve Quade

Freaksburg by John Casey

Casey does for Pennsylvania what King does for Maine Jackie may be an imaginative boy in a town where strange occurrences aren’t really that strange, but being tasked with a serious assignment by the Queen of the fairies crosses the line of sanity. Or does it? An odd blue dog follows Jackie around town, but […]

Domestic Deceit by H.C. Johnson

K.J. Corchoran is an assiduous journalist, viewing his field as a critical counterbalance to government overreach and corruption. Although public opinion for the media has soured, K.J. throws himself into his work, even to the detriment of his homelife. His instinct to follow a lead, no matter how tenuous, leads him to a divorce proceeding

Taylor Mill Horror by Austin Lawrence

Has a creepy, edgy feel that will keep your heart racing. Every now and then, it makes the headlines when a new homeowner finds something valuable like a lost Van Gogh painting in their attic. However, there are other times when a real estate purchase comes with something more sinister hiding within its walls. The

Cold Run by Michael Dault

Ruthless crime families collide in a glistening snow globe setting. A perilous frozen landscape provides the stunning backdrop for Michael Dault’s Cold Run. The scene opens when a traffic accident turns into a blazing inferno. Fast forward a few years and we meet Cy Ford. Ford isn’t winning any awards for Mr. Congeniality. In fact,

White Knuckle by Steven Bruce

One of the most authentic autobiographies told in verse. White Knuckle grabs readers by the throat and forces their naive eyes wide open to gaze upon what passed for a childhood for Steven Bruce. Offering a chilling look at “the anxious fever of a typical day,” readers will not soon forget the nightmarish memories that

Of Blood and Fire by Ryan Cahill

A magical pairing of fantasy and adventure. When Calen Bryer and his two closest friends, Dann and Rist, take part in The Proving, a rite of passage that will put their survival skills to the test, they are forced to overcome extreme challenges and unexpected aggressors. The glory of victory is quickly replaced with sorrow