The Memory of Cotton by Ann K Howley

Immensely engaging and impossible to ignore. Almost nobody would refer to Shelby Forster as a ray of sunshine. She’s unapologetic, sarcastic, broody and constantly worked up about something. She even calls her dutiful mom by her first name, Fran, just to get under her skin. But can you blame the girl? She lost her little

Dancing Deepa by Suchi Sairam

Inspiring and uplifting, a true delight for young readers. Bear Creek Elementary School is getting ready to put on a talent show. With a wide variety of possibilities, Deepa looks forward to enjoying singers, actors, ballerinas and maybe even a unicyclist in the upcoming event. But more than anything, Deepa wants to dance for her

End Man by Alex Austin

A glossy and original technothriller. Sometimes it feels like we’re all prisoners, confined or restricted by our situation or our limitations. It could be illness, grief, ignorance, or perhaps something more tangible. For Raphael Lennon, his prison is a one-mile stretch of neighborhood in Los Angeles. Within the threatening border of four boundary streets, Raphael

The Homecoming by Joyce Derenas

Will spark flames of wistfulness in all of us. The Homecoming opens up in early 1945, where we become closely acquainted with Gaudias Poulin. More than five decades of working a harsh, unforgiving land and barely chiseling out an existence has left Gaudias sick and tired, both physically and emotionally. In desperate need of a

Depths of Deceit by Laura Oles

A story you’ll pick up for the vibrant scenery and keep reading for the gripping drama. Port Alene is a lovely little seaside town on the gulf side of Texas. The locals are friendly, happy to share their coastal paradise with sun-seeking tourists that flock there in droves to escape northern winters and gray skies.

The Art of Lifelong Customers by Mihaela Akers

An endlessly practical guide that is sure to increase personal worth and fulfillment. If you’ve ever worked in the corporate world, you know there is no end to inspiring poster slogans, motivating catchphrases and optimistic mission statements. While The Art of Lifelong Customers has no shortage of memorable, pithy sayings to help stimulate growth in

BIG THINGS by Danielle L. Forbes

Love, joy and happiness radiate from the pages. There is almost nothing more exciting for a family than the birth of a child. And it’s no surprise that being a mother, particularly to a brand new baby, can be even more overwhelming than a full-time job. But this job doesn’t stop just because mom has

UNITAS by Lee S. Hannon

A nimble work of time-travel fiction that brims with complexity and drama The City is under attack, but the aggressors in this malicious battle originate from elements within. The Supreme has been locked away, awaiting trial for the crimes she committed against unwilling humans. However, her unrestrained and influential supporters remain passionate about android dominance.

Toward a Model of Constitutions by Williams Kuttikadan

Fascinating and thought-provoking. About half of the world’s population lives in some form of a democracy. But how many of us actually understand the constitutional principles that govern our societies? Comprehending such an extensive subject may seem a daunting task, relegated to legislators and scholars, but with Kuttikadan’s Toward a Model of Constitutions as a

Wilbur and the Watering Can by Cynthia L. Clark

Has a soothing rhythm and a gentle personality. “Magnolia and Lily lived on a farm with lots of wide-open space to play. Mama was a free spirit. Her name was Rose. Daddy called them his wildflower bouquet.” You are warmly invited to meet this untamed family of nature-loving, glad-hearted souls. Talented at working their bounteous

Pharoni by Colin Dodds

A curious story that includes deep philosophical musings. Tommy Pharoni is approaching middle-age with about as much enthusiasm as a patient waiting to get a root canal. His job as a copywriter at an unremarkable ad agency is a stopgap until he can finish a quality screenplay. Inspiration ebbs and flows for any writer, but

In Her Dreams by Joanna Reeder

Endearing characters and an enchanting tale. If you’ve ever had a dream that was especially vivid and lifelike, one you can’t seem to shake, you might be able to relate to Emily Chandler. Only Emily’s dreams aren’t just realistic; in her sleep, she relives events in the lives of people who lived and died decades

Captive Wilderness by J. E. McDonald

A wild pace, an exciting plot and sizzling-hot chemistry. A carefree bobcat shifter, Brooke finds herself dramatically caged and collared, trapped aboard an aircraft headed to an unknown destination. The previous night of hard partying makes it tough to remember exactly what happened, but what Brooke knows for sure is that she can’t shift and

Kick Ball Slay by Doug Dorsey

Rumors, suspicions and fierce dance steps coalesce in the shadow of imminent danger. Competitive Dance. The very notion may conjure images of glittering reality television contestants performing their hearts out to an enthusiastic audience and a few piquant judges set in place to either crush dreams or make them come true. Kick Ball Slay features

The Visitor by C. D’Angelo

A contemporary treat that will absolutely put a smile on your face. A Healing Hand is a charming New Age store and the brainchild of self-sufficient Mary Pontrelli. Located in the vibrant French Quarter of New Orleans, Mary has been fortunate enough to enjoy a steady customer base and reasonable rent, on both her store