White Fangs by Gareth J Gould

A thoughtfully envisioned fantasy novel.

Kalac, the eldest son of Marek King, was born to be a warrior and lead his White Fang tribe. But the familial blood that runs in his veins is no guarantee of his father’s innate tact or military stratagem. With no mother to provide balance in his life, Kalac has become a bitter man. Ever at odds with his father’s tactics, including the use of a dubious soothsayer, Kalac has everything to prove as his tribe faces a daunting threat. But without a battle-keen mind, his valiance may be his demise. For Kalac, the desire to prove his worth is his motivation, but for Turesh, it has always been about what was taken from him. Living as a captive in Neferia hasn’t been all bad, but it’s nothing like home, and he’ll never forgive his loss. As for Reshmal, he‘s always known that to get what you want, you have to take it by any means necessary, and he’s never been afraid to get his hands dirty. There is no end to what Reshmal desires, Kalac can’t seem to overcome the feeling of rancor from his people, and Turesh is keeping a few secrets. But as external attacks are ramped up and dangerous internal threats are exposed, surviving the swelling warfare may be too great a wish for any of these men.

Fantasy and military fiction collide in Gareth J Gould’s freshman novel White Fangs. Nefaria and its tribes make for a distinctive people where barbarism and decency are continually challenging one another. Continuity of worldbuilding is evident down to the smallest details, including enduring customs, names heavy with hard consonants, and even the well-appointed rules governing a popular tabletop game of dice. Battle sequences are articulately executed with clever blows, eloquent parries and forced retreats, drawing audiences into the gritty scenes. While the plot is teeming with action sequences and military maneuvers, the complex character interactions and deceits prove to be just as dramatic. Though Kalac can be stubborn at times, it is his willingness to learn and his eagerness to surround himself with those better than himself that endears him to readers, even as he makes error after error. Distrust, paranoia, internal conflict and epic battle scenes form the bedrock of White Fangs, a thoughtfully envisioned fantasy novel. 
