Celiac Mom by Ann Campanella

A motivating story that should be read by everyone that needs to avoid gluten. “It’s hard to understand the enormity of a change like this if you haven’t been through it.” How true these simple words are! For Ann Campanella and her husband, every difficulty and challenge in life becomes secondary to making their daughter

Thinking Outside the Chrysalis: A Black Woman’s Guide to Spreading Her Wings by Trish Ahjel Roberts

A true roadmap to personal freedom. “I believe self-actualization is the ultimate goal for humans.” For Trish Ahjel Roberts, she has done a masterful job at preparing a template that she believes can help others to enjoy a well-lived life. Thoughtfully laid out and easy to follow, Thinking Outside the Chrysalis is a niche addition

When I Wished upon a Star: From Broken Homes to Mended Hearts by Brandon Lane Phillips

An inspirational memoir that will feed your soul. When I Wished upon a Star: From Broken Homes to Mended Hearts is an unexpectedly lighthearted memoir from the multi-talented Brandon Lane Phillips. Brandon was born with a rare heart condition promising a lifetime of ongoing and often invasive medical care. The story moves around in time

Walks With Sam by David W. Berner

Walks With Sam is filled with thoughtful observations. For young children, every moment is a new discovery. When we get to our twenties, we know everything. In out thirties we realize we were wrong! In Walks With Sam, David W. Berner proves that at sixty years old, there is still a whole world left to

TOSKA by Zoe Dabbs

Primal and evocative. TOSKA is a heartrending collection of poems that seems to have been dredged from the very soul of the author, Zoe Dabbs. The work elicits a variety of emotions ranging from sorrow and grief to shock and anger, definitely not for the faint of heart! Dubbed as a ‘semi-autobiographical poetry debut’, TOSKA

Making Crooked Places Straight by Penelope Kaye

Her enthusiasm is contagious and motivating. Penelope Kaye takes readers on a “journey to discover and uncover the characteristics marking the perverse spirit.” The journey is described through a series of vivid recollections, anecdotes, and prayerful revelations. Through many prayers, dreams, and anointings, Kaye details her personal experiences including job loss, divorce, harassment from demons

Just Finish! by Sean Kachmarski

Sean Kachmarski has done an amazing job detailing his emotional personal marathon. Sean Kachmarski has not always been a runner. A kidney stone changed the course of his life. Okay, not the stone itself, but the realization that he was approaching middle age and was not in optimal health. With a family to care for,