Mechcraft by Brian Fitzpatrick

Puberty can be a trying time in adolescence. Young people have to deal with an onslaught of new sensations, raging hormones, mood-swings, and in the case of 15-year-old Jake London, liquid metal seeping from his pores. In this exciting science fiction adventure, Jake realizes his parents have been keeping some huge secrets. A group of nano-enhanced

The Ghosts of Hawthorn, Missouri by James Peet

Daniel was most certainly not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. And based on the stark depiction of Jackass Flats, nobody was. While Daniel is central to most of the story, the book spans many decades and numerous unadorned characters. Daniel was born to an alcoholic father and an unprepared mother. Tragedy follows

Iliad: The Reboot by Keith Tokash

You may think you know Homer’s The Iliad, but you don’t know it like this! In a ridiculously entertaining retelling, Keith Tokash presents The Reboot. In a comically insolent way, we revisit this epic story filled with mighty kingdoms, glorious kings and fierce battles. Except The Reboot delivers trifling leaders, cheeky soldiers and sharp dialogue

A Fresh Restart by Chelsea Falin

Remember your first love? Maybe you were just a teen, but the feelings settled deep. Then life happens. You grow up, move on, go separate ways. That is where we find Josette Miller. After a failed marriage and the death of her mother, Josette finds herself back in her childhood home after years away. Although

A Thousand Mothers by Brenda Marie Webb

A Thousand Mothers fictionalizes the horrors that befell thousands of women in the early 1940’s at Ravensbruck, the infamous female concentration camp. Helene Dvorak is one such prisoner who manages against all odds to survive the imprisonment and torture. She is also integral in the preservation of a child born into this impossible environment. Eventually

Ms. Never by Colin Dodds

Farya Navurian has inadvertently destroyed much of the world. Carrying such a forbidding secret, it is little wonder she struggles with depression. Farya lives in a world where only she can remember the Greater Anointed Imperial Ohioan Commonwealth. Each time she has a mental breakdown, not only are time and space inexplicably altered, but also

Dead Ringer by William Cone

History can be thrilling. It gives us perspective on the choices we make today. But it can also be bleak. In this fictional story, William Cone explores a dark segment of modern history and adds dramatic literary flair. The story begins in Germany in the spring of 1944. Hitler’s team has just worked out a

Sorrowfish by Anne C. Miles

Sorrowfish is a fantastical novel that hits all the right notes. Sorrowfish is two stories wound together in one book. Our modern day protagonist, Sara Moore, is a heartbroken art major with family issues. Her twin sister has been comatose for months leaving Sara anxious, guilt-ridden, and sleepwalking. Trystan dan Tenkor lives in Canard, a

Arid by Anne Joyce

“It all started with a nuclear war…” Arid takes off from there with some unfortunate drought and some more sinister ambitions. Greedy companies and slimy politicians climb in bed together and their offspring is nothing but misery for the masses. The country’s water sources are now official property of the moneygrubbing water barons. For those

Reflections in the Dark by Carol Koman

Aimee Tredeaux is intelligent and ambitious, albeit a bit impetuous and reckless. She is heiress to her adoptive father’s company and feels she has a lot to prove. On a whim, Aimee decides to go on a kayaking trip managed by a rival company that she plans to intern for. An incident during the trip

The Sentry by Lyssa Morasey

Keira Serasul is a shape shifting Sentry, pledged to serve the Nixans for life. Her best friend Cassatia’s life is threatened by her own domineering father, who just happens to rule the province. Keira is given the outrageous task of infiltrating the headquarters of her people’s enemy, stealing a magic sword, travelling back across the

Metaphysical Island by Tony Giovia

Dimensional Detective Manny Levels is a true intergalactic sleuth. Dragons, werewolves, Illuminati conspiracies and the composition of dark matter are all within his purview. Ms. Tierra De Arcana, a self-appointed princess, glides into his office and gives Manny the biggest assignment of his career; to answer the not-so simple question, “What is reality?” With this