Be Your Own Bank by Peri Scott

Be Your Own Bank provides a fresh and interesting take on how we view and use our assets. Rather than taking out a loan or simply saving up for a large purchase, this book details a third option, referred to as operating YourBank. The introduction to the book lets you know right away that doing […]

The Dream Defenders by Neal DenHartog

Young Nolan Erling lives an unremarkable life with his adoptive parents and brand new baby brother near Flagstaff. He has a charming relationship with his next-door neighbor and algebra teacher Frostee. He does okay in school and is a funny guy. His biggest problems include his resentment toward his brother and some persistent headaches. However,

Denali In Hiding by Caitlin Sinead

Denali is a 17 year old girl dealing with typical high-school drama, being raised by a modern single mom. She has been hiding something huge from almost everyone: She is telekinetic. But one can only hide super powers for so long… an accident and a snap decision change Denali’s life overnight. She is whisked away

Kill Code by Clive Fleury

Clive Fleury’s Kill Code centers around Hogan Duran a former cop and all around good guy struggling to make ends meet. The setting is a dystopian world that is really just a slightly futuristic Los Angeles. The economy gap has widened, the climate has changed, politicians and big businesses are lying…Maybe it isn’t dystopian after