Stars on Fire by Elaine DeBohun

A novel that will wholly transport you to another time and place.  There is more to Holden Thompson than meets the eye, though he is quite fetching to behold. Recuperating from mental and physical battlefield wounds collected toward the end of the First World War, he decides to spend some time catching up with his

Apropos of Running by Charles Moore

An energetic memoir that will motivate, educate, and help you find your own inspiration. Charles Moore might just be the most driven person you’ve never met. A willing transplant to New York City, this Detroit-born Black man has been competitive from as far back as his memories stretch. “A passion to compete and win burned

Christianity 2.0 by John Dorsey

Christianity 2.0 is a new take on Christianity with some innovative approaches to spirituality. The result is a religion that attempts to remove perceived flaws from traditional Christian beliefs and replace them with love and positivity. As a basis for the arguments in Dorsey’s book, the powerful research of Dr. David Hawkins is repeatedly and

The Weight We Carry by Christina Consolino

An emotional and introspective experience. Over many decades of marriage, Frank and Angie Raffaelo have created a home filled with love and family. But the years have not been entirely carefree for this aging couple. Grief, depression, and regret are their constant companions and time proves to be an unrelenting force. When Frank falls from

Love Laugh and Row by Trisa J. Louise

Greta and Aleksander Kristoff escaped Russia at just the right time. History’s Bloody Sunday is all the impetus needed for this courageous family to leave everything behind in the hopes of a better life. Emigrating to America in pursuit of freedom, however, is not without trouble. Whether harassment from gangsters, the pain of separation, or

Departure by Tippi Bruce

It is the end of the world and it seems that Joy didn’t get a heads-up. Without any idea of what is happening to the country and nobody to turn to for answers, she finds herself in a precarious position. Hundreds of people are being herded onto trains destined for an undisclosed location and Joy

Boy Wander by Jobert E. Abueva

A story not just about surviving under the weight of expectations, but about embracing ourselves. Everyone longs to be understood and wants to find their voice, but these things don’t always come easily. That’s especially true for Jobert E. Abueva in his unguarded memoir, Boy Wander. From Manila in the very early 1970s to Michigan

Nuns with Shotguns by P. H. Mountain

Nuns with Shotguns is a humorous memoir set in the early nineties, at a time when Paul Mountain is determined to finish his novel and nothing is going to stop him. Well, a few things might get in the way. A dalliance here, a bender there. Plus the daily grind in Eldora, Colorado, which is

The MENtal Fight Of Your Life by Freddie Floyd Jr

Those working toward a healthy marriage will appreciate the grounded advice. Can you remember the happiest day of your life? Maybe it was a milestone of age, education, or health. Perhaps a perfect vacation or closing on your first home. What about your wedding day? Certainly a happy event, but has marriage been the wedded

The River Against the Sea by Z. Lindsey

Get ready for some high-seas capers introducing a scoundrelly cast you’ll love like family. They say the devil is in the details, but for Essimore Darkenchyl, the details are in the devil. Those details equal endless rules, regulations, protocols, and procedures overseen by the Blessed Agency, and Essie is their newest fully licensed bureaucrat. Proud

Forgetting Me by Katherine Tirado-Ryen

A tender tale that will steal your heart. For most people, life is a tapestry woven with meaningful moments and swirling memories, but these have all been lost for Vickie. When a terrible accident leaves her suffering from retrograde amnesia, nobody seems to care. Nobody except the Hollywood heartthrob who accidentally hit her with his