R.C. Gibson

Fits Her to a T by Alice Xavanéro

One of the most poignant and finely crafted pieces of LGBTQ fiction of our time. Told through a series of intimate journal entries, Fits Her to a T is a story about the awakening of a new woman, Zoë van Vixenhoven. Born in Lebanon to conservative and passionate parents, Maher never quite felt comfortable in

Forty Four by Jan Miklaszewicz

Smart and penetrating. A thoughtful guided meditation that helps readers examine their unique perspective and small place in the world, Forty Four is a special compilation of poetry and artwork. Eccentric and thoroughly contemporary in composition, Miklaszewicz forgoes the weight of traditional poetry. Rather than musings on life, death and love, Forty Four jumps right

The Doll’s Eyes of Gnome by Ashley Parker Owens

A sharp coming-of-age novel. “The Queen, Elyse, knew her calling was to provide sparkle and dignity. Appearance was everything.” Though she never wanted the queenship, it is Reverence in Kladenplatz and Elyse certainly appreciates the importance of a good show. Garish festivities and merriment, along with a generous amount of zuzu, keeps the tedious villagers

Becca’s Kiss by Joyce Derenas

At the turn of the century, like so many other courageous men and women of the time, the level-headed Romeo and his quick-tempered brother trek into the Yukon during the gold rush. The brutal climate combined with rapid population increase leads to extreme challenges for the incoming migrants. When in need, Romeo and his brother

Empire Remembered: Rebuilding Kysia by Jason R Sank

The city of Crestburn, a mere vestige of the once glorious Kysian Empire, is in a state of upheaval. Rulership is overturned in the span of a single night, unseating the unscrupulous Lord Djinar and elevating Lord Merik, a man pledging real change for the people of Crestburn. This transition of power is no small

The Long Nights by Tom Mock

Delightfully strange and intoxicatingly dangerous. “To understand a problem, often one must pay particular attention to the unusual.” The unusual is well within the purview of Specialist Joe Kellerman. With gifts ranging from supernatural private investigating to avant-garde artistic abilities, Joe can handle just about anything that comes his way, including bloodied bodies, severed heads

Breathe Deep & Swim by Jenna Marcus

A heartfelt story that couldn’t be more timely. Wolfgang and his older brother have never had things easy. With a disinterested father and an absent mother, they’ve only ever had each other to rely on. As COVID-19 lights the globe on fire, the disease takes no mercy on the Thomas family. The father dies at

Danger at Dunhaven Castle by Nellie Steele

Lots of surprises for eager readers. The charm of moving into a well-cared for Scottish castle a year ago has not yet lost its sheen for Lady Cate Kensie. Embracing all things Dunhaven Castle, Cate continues to throw herself into the work of uncovering all the secrets the ancient estate holds. With a history that

Rock to Recovery by Wes Geer and Constance Scharff, PhD

Brutally honest, poignant, painful, but ultimately uplifting and hopeful. Music has the special ability to resonate with humanity as a beautiful borderless language, one that can be shared across an endless variety of locations and circumstances, and one that possesses a gravity all its own. Rock to Recovery: Music as a Catalyst for Human Transformation

Rosetta Gnome by Ashley Parker Owens

A multifaceted fantasy that will satisfy readers. When the cat’s away, the mice will play. Or, in this case, the gnomes. Ashley Parker Owens has created an entire secret world living in plain sight. Wil, a displaced, rule-following gnome with a love for gardening and a soft spot for an oversized bunny, finds himself mixed

The Axiom Paradox by C.T. Knight

Not looking for fame or prestige, Zorina Singe has the humble goal of opening a little bar on a space barge where she can live a peaceful, low-key life. Unfortunately, as the Chancellor’s daughter, peace and calm aren’t part of Zorina’s gravity. Thrown into their first mission together, Zorina teams up with the pensive and

Lake of Flowers by N.L. Holmes

A thoughtful and clever trip that invites readers to indulge in ancient intrigues. A revolution is brewing and Hani finds himself at the center of the action. Tasked with uncovering some minor thefts, Hani’s investigation brings him face to face with an unexpected murder. The mystery revolves around a certain royal identity, which some influential

Beneath the Veil by Martin Kearns

Brilliantly conceived and fiercely told. “There’s something happening out there. It’s hard to explain, but you can feel it.” What is happening begins with a bridge collapsing into the murky depths of the Hudson. David Dolan is an easygoing guy known for his warmth, kindness, and wry sense of humor. He has no idea that

Past Lives by Terry Cloutier

A sturdy plot and a breathless finish. Despite a successful career as a biotechnologist and a charming home in an affluent Chicago suburb, Claire Blackwood does not enjoy a picture-perfect life. Not only did her daughter die as the result of an indifferent and seemingly untouchable mega-corporation, but her beloved husband is languishing in a