Dave Allen

Scarboys by A.J. Smee

An excellent choice for anyone that enjoys dystopian fiction. Fifteen-year-old Nestor Hardy, having grown up in an isolated countryside ranch with his aunt, has only experienced the outside world through second-hand stories. When his aunt dies, Nestor determines to make the arduous trek to the city so that he can find a doctor that can

Our Lunar New Year by Yobe Qiu

A delightfully enlightening representation of a wide variety of lively traditions. While the Lunar New Year and its associated celebrations are eagerly anticipated by billions of the planet’s inhabitants, this holiday is unfamiliar to much of the world living outside of Asia. Thanks to author Yobe Qiu, children everywhere can eagerly join in the exciting

Feasters: The Circle by Solomon Petchers

A spirited horror story that young adult audiences will devour. Four teens living in a post-apocalyptic setting deal with challenges within their group while trying to survive the fearsome threats outside. The world that Kieran, Emily, Andrew and Carissa find themselves in is a place where zombie-like creatures, called Feasters, roam the streets looking to

Get Bail, Leave Jail by S.J. Plotkin

Plotkin is as credible of a writer about bonds and bondsmen as you could hope for. When you were a child playing board games, it was as simple as rolling doubles or using a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card to be released from jail. As an adult living in the real world, the situation

Stories from Ecuador by Tyrel Nelson

Nelson takes literary snapshots of his life and shares them with readers in full color. While spending a year abroad teaching English to students in Ecuador, Tyrel Nelson documented his experiences and now shares them in this lively book of memoirs. The content of Stories from Ecuador, however, is scarcely about the rewarding process of

Newton the Newt by Anar Mammadov

A beautifully illustrated and delightfully entertaining story. Mrs. Brown is well known in Happyville for the award-winning apple pies that she makes. In addition to benefiting her dessert-loving family, this reputation has caught the attention of a curious scientist, Newton the Newt. Newton has developed a remarkable powder that can cause delicious pies to grow

10 Animals on the Farm by Mary Roe

An exceptional book for pre-readers and beginning readers. When Mr. and Mrs. Brown build their farm, they realize that it is lonely without animals. So, one by one, the animals begin to arrive. From a horse and a cow to a puppy and a duck, a variety of animals slowly populate the evolving farm, much

The Girl in My Treehouse by S.A. Fanning

A superbly told, poignant tale that is filled with heart and soul. Matt is a self-conscious, introverted teen from a stable, caring family. Lia is a free spirited girl carrying greater burdens than her carefree demeanor would ever let on. When the two of them meet, their connection is instantaneous. However, between Matt’s taunting peers