The Ghosts of Hawthorn, Missouri by James Peet

Daniel was most certainly not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. And based on the stark depiction of Jackass Flats, nobody was. While Daniel is central to most of the story, the book spans many decades and numerous unadorned characters. Daniel was born to an alcoholic father and an unprepared mother. Tragedy follows

Arid by Anne Joyce

“It all started with a nuclear war…” Arid takes off from there with some unfortunate drought and some more sinister ambitions. Greedy companies and slimy politicians climb in bed together and their offspring is nothing but misery for the masses. The country’s water sources are now official property of the moneygrubbing water barons. For those

Spellbound by Julia Goldhirsh

Inside the walls of a glass prison, sixteen year-old Rose is compelled to live out her days. With a brute of a father and an overly controlling mother, Rose’s only option is to risk the safety of her gilded cage. When Rose ventures out to taste freedom for the first time, she learns the hard

Might & Valour: Legacy of the Kingdom by John Cristóbal

Atoranth is falling apart. Young Josiah Locke is employed abroad after his country’s demise as a result of a mysterious plague and subsequent political assassination. Loyal to his family and home, Josiah is determined to cut off an advancing enemy before they overtake Edenfield, Atoranth’s most ancient city. What’s more, if the Continuum Column (a

Silver Fire (The Kaerling Volume 1) by Freya Pickard

Otta and Erl are twins born to a people filled with superstitions. Otta is a headstrong female who is proud to be different from the petty females in her village of Atwood. Erl is sensitive and deliberate. At the Weird Day festivities Erl has an unusual encounter that leaves him bereft of his memories. Meanwhile

Secrets To Being Amazing by Denise Wijayaratne

In this book, Denise Wijayaratne details 23 things that confident people don’t do. Each chapter explains one of the points briefly, sometimes in just a few paragraphs, and some of them also include examples or charts to help emphasize the point. Toward the end of each chapter there is an additional feature, called Amazingness Keys.

Single Chicas by Sandra C. Lopez

Single Chicas by Sandra C. Lopez is a collection of short stories focusing on modern Latinas navigating and embracing singleness. Each chapter rewards readers with a fresh chica, and insight into her life. The wide variety of women will appeal to any modern woman. Some are frustrated, some cynical. Others are just downright funny. All

Fear Among Us by Bill Stack

Fear Among Us is an intriguing work of historical fiction that begins in 1950. The United States is a few years past World War II and medical advances are increasing at an exciting pace. One thing that modern science and medicine has yet to accomplish, however, is a cure or vaccine for polio. The disease