Walks With Sam by David W. Berner

Walks With Sam is filled with thoughtful observations. For young children, every moment is a new discovery. When we get to our twenties, we know everything. In out thirties we realize we were wrong! In Walks With Sam, David W. Berner proves that at sixty years old, there is still a whole world left to

Explore Yourself with 100+ Keys by Veera S Surampudi

Filled with time-tested words of wisdom. More a series of vignettes than a traditional self-help book, Explore Yourself with 100+ Keys provides a series of evocative aphorisms designed to make you think. The book’s layout is simple, with each page sharing one easily digestible thought, often expressed in just one or two sentences. The idea

TOSKA by Zoe Dabbs

Primal and evocative. TOSKA is a heartrending collection of poems that seems to have been dredged from the very soul of the author, Zoe Dabbs. The work elicits a variety of emotions ranging from sorrow and grief to shock and anger, definitely not for the faint of heart! Dubbed as a ‘semi-autobiographical poetry debut’, TOSKA

Beat Your Weight Beat Your Fat by Ian Breaker

Breaker stands as the voice of reason in a sea of weight-loss strategies. Beat Your Weight Beat Your Fat is an intelligent look at how to cope in an obesogenic environment and a challenging food landscape. Beginning with a clear explanation of the underlying problems, too much refined foods including fructose and not enough fiber,

Immersed in West Africa by Terry Lister

Terry Lister is a man who loves life and appreciates the value of travel and of keeping an open perspective. In Immersed in West Africa: My Solo Journey Across Senegal, Mauritania, The Gambia, Guinea and Guinea Bissau, readers get a front row seat as Terry shares the highlights from a bold two month trip. Part

Happily Ever After by Andreas Wagner

If you are a person chasing after self-betterment, Andreas Wagner has written a book just for you! Happily Ever After explores several common entrapments that stand as hurdles to happiness in our modern world. The book is not overly long and is sure to resonate, at least in part, with most people. Wagner’s argument is

Forced Perspective Dioramas by Ivar Kangur

Whether in a museum or any other setting, detailed dioramas grab the attention of all who see them. It is fascinating to examine a well-conceived scene in miniature! In this book, Ivar Kangur details a practice commonly used in artwork but far less frequently in dioramas: forced perspective. By means of using forced perspective techniques,

Making Crooked Places Straight by Penelope Kaye

Her enthusiasm is contagious and motivating. Penelope Kaye takes readers on a “journey to discover and uncover the characteristics marking the perverse spirit.” The journey is described through a series of vivid recollections, anecdotes, and prayerful revelations. Through many prayers, dreams, and anointings, Kaye details her personal experiences including job loss, divorce, harassment from demons

Just Finish! by Sean Kachmarski

Sean Kachmarski has done an amazing job detailing his emotional personal marathon. Sean Kachmarski has not always been a runner. A kidney stone changed the course of his life. Okay, not the stone itself, but the realization that he was approaching middle age and was not in optimal health. With a family to care for,

The Kingdom of God Continues by Jeff Lowe

The Kingdom of God Continues is an informative exposition of the many facets of the beautiful Kingdom of God. The 18 chapters help readers examine different features such as grace, the Father of the Kingdom, and how to connect with the Kingdom. Jeff Lowe employs staccato bursts of information sandwiched between scriptural texts. The book