Eternal Shadow by Trevor B. Williams

Imagine looking up into the night sky but instead of seeing innocent stars twinkling like diamonds, there is a ravenous alien space ship poised to consume the Earth itself. Eternal Shadow is set in the here and now including some real life political figures and organizations to add realism. Dr. Jennifer Epstein is the senior

Mechcraft by Brian Fitzpatrick

Puberty can be a trying time in adolescence. Young people have to deal with an onslaught of new sensations, raging hormones, mood-swings, and in the case of 15-year-old Jake London, liquid metal seeping from his pores. In this exciting science fiction adventure, Jake realizes his parents have been keeping some huge secrets. A group of nano-enhanced

Ms. Never by Colin Dodds

Farya Navurian has inadvertently destroyed much of the world. Carrying such a forbidding secret, it is little wonder she struggles with depression. Farya lives in a world where only she can remember the Greater Anointed Imperial Ohioan Commonwealth. Each time she has a mental breakdown, not only are time and space inexplicably altered, but also

Arid by Anne Joyce

“It all started with a nuclear war…” Arid takes off from there with some unfortunate drought and some more sinister ambitions. Greedy companies and slimy politicians climb in bed together and their offspring is nothing but misery for the masses. The country’s water sources are now official property of the moneygrubbing water barons. For those

Metaphysical Island by Tony Giovia

Dimensional Detective Manny Levels is a true intergalactic sleuth. Dragons, werewolves, Illuminati conspiracies and the composition of dark matter are all within his purview. Ms. Tierra De Arcana, a self-appointed princess, glides into his office and gives Manny the biggest assignment of his career; to answer the not-so simple question, “What is reality?” With this

Fear Among Us by Bill Stack

Fear Among Us is an intriguing work of historical fiction that begins in 1950. The United States is a few years past World War II and medical advances are increasing at an exciting pace. One thing that modern science and medicine has yet to accomplish, however, is a cure or vaccine for polio. The disease

September Sky by John A. Heldt

September Sky centers around a newly unemployed reporter, Chuck Townsend, and his son, Justin. After suffering a painful break-up, Justin needs a change from his everyday life and withdraws from college. The two men take advantage of their circumstances to reconnect. While on vacation they meet an eccentric lecturer, Geoffrey Bell, who is convinced that

The Dream Defenders by Neal DenHartog

Young Nolan Erling lives an unremarkable life with his adoptive parents and brand new baby brother near Flagstaff. He has a charming relationship with his next-door neighbor and algebra teacher Frostee. He does okay in school and is a funny guy. His biggest problems include his resentment toward his brother and some persistent headaches. However,

Denali In Hiding by Caitlin Sinead

Denali is a 17 year old girl dealing with typical high-school drama, being raised by a modern single mom. She has been hiding something huge from almost everyone: She is telekinetic. But one can only hide super powers for so long… an accident and a snap decision change Denali’s life overnight. She is whisked away