Genex of Halcyon by Joshua Stelling

Joshua Stelling has crafted a futuristic ballad steeped in science fiction. The setting is a modern Shangri-La existing not too many decades in the future, where self-sufficient machines leave humans with little to worry about. Even better, gene manipulation has stabilized humans, rid them of disease, even banished inconsequential annoyances such as ugliness. In this […]

Transference by B.T. Keaton

Transference is wildly entertaining and difficult to put down. It is the 22nd century and transference is big business administered by the Church. The process allows a person’s consciousness to migrate from one body to another, over and over as needed. The potential to humanity is unlimited, but the Church isn’t altruistic in its choices.

The Carnelian Fox by Kay MacLeod

A wonderfully conceived fantasy land. “Monsters don’t exist, they thrive.” Specifically, genetically engineered monsters, Gems for short, created long ago for gamers but used in the real world. As time passed, people tired of their custom made Gems and the abandoned monster population exploded. The only way to combat the untamed monsters is with professionals

A Star to Dyllis by G.L. Bell

An Observer is sent to Earth with the directive to fix an anomaly. Without intervention, the anomaly will tear the fabric of the universe. All the trouble seems to originate in a town called Perfect, where Dyllis Diarmaid is a star student at Perfect High School. She is bright, popular, and her family is well

BULB by Bradley Wind

Imagine a world where everything that happens in life can be reviewed later. And not just big events like births and weddings… Everything! In Bulb, science has made Informed Light possible, thus your morning commute, your afternoon coffee and your post workout shower are all recorded. And anybody can review footage of anything in the

Betera’s Factor by T.J. Sachs

Utopia. It’s difficult to imagine a life free from care. In this debut novel from T.J. Sachs, we get an intimate glimpse of perfection. And then quickly the veneer peels off to reveal sinister layer after layer. Crawford Lear is in a powerful position within the Beta Union habitat. After tragedy strikes, a bubbling rebellion

On the Outward Edge by C.P. Night

When Serina was just a young girl, an attack on her planet changed the trajectory of her life forever. For sixteen years she has had a singular focus: to put an end to the rebellion that cost Serina her family. As princess, Serina’s life on the planet Abordise is far from an easy ride. Feeling

Maker Messiah by Ed Miracle

Ed Miracle masterfully blends technological realities with future possibility in this gripping tale of what-if. Albert Einstein has been credited with the saying “Our technology has exceeded our humanity.” In this clever novel by Ed Miracle, technology and humanity find themselves at war. Philip Machen is a genius inventor who has come up with the